Smoke Effect

AE: Smoke Text Effect

This is a Tutorial on creating a Smoke Text Effect on text in After Effects. Start by downloading the After Effects Smoke Text zip file below. Then follow along to see how to create this effect in After Effects, then use what you learned to create your own for yourself!

Your title should NOT look exactly like this tutorial, add your own personality and be creative with it!

Download File

Title Reveal

AE: Animated Title Reveal

This is a Tutorial on revealing/animating a title in After Effects. Follow along to see how the masks and layers can be changed to reveal and change things,  then use what you learned to create your own for your vLog!

Your title should NOT look exactly like the example or this tutorials, add your own personality and be creative with it!

Dancing Can 1/29 – 2/2


You have been hired as video animator by ILM.  They want you to create an animated video advertisement for a beverage company. You are to follow the directions given by the project manager for the target audience to complete the project.  Once complete then you should review the checklist for grading criteria before turning in your work.  Complete and submit the online rubric for this project once it has been completed.

Click on the link and follow the tutorial to create the Dancing Can After Effects project.  You can alter the project any way you like, but must have a can that dances, an animated background, and animated text.  The length of the animation should be 30 seconds long, but can be longer to fit your song if you like.  You choose the song (must be school appropriate) and you choose the can (must be school appropriate).  You will have to edit your song in Audition and make as a MP3 to import into AE.  Make your audio fade up/down in Soundbooth/GarageBand before you export as an MP3.  You must include a catch phrase or original slogan as well that must be animated.  You can use the tutorial to animate the text or use any of the pre-made text effects in AE.

Make a new project in AE, make a new composition with the NTSC DV setting (720×480) and change the duration to the length of your song.  Then follow the steps in the tutorials.

Save the project as a AE file labeled last name + first initial + can.  Export your completed video as a Quicktime MP4 file using H.264 Compression and save it in your video folder.  Add the final video to your Portfolio folder as well.

Grading Criteria Checklist
1 – Used Internet to find high resolution can image online for the project (NO blurry, pixelated, or copyright info)
2 – Can is cut out cleanly using layer mask in Photoshop and saved as PSD to import to AE
3 – Audio edited in Audition with fade up/down to fit the length of the video
4 – Can is animated to dance with the beat of the song using Puppet Pin Tool
5 – Can areas that buckle or tear corrected using Starch Tool
6 – Background behind can animated
7 – Original slogan created with the text animated
8 – Video is edited in a manner that is visually pleasing and creates an interest in the topic
9 – Video file is saved as a AE file and exported as a MP4 format as instructed
10 – Final video file is submitted as a MP4 format with the instructed name for the project


Download File

Download File

Download File

Download File

Download File


The pictures below are only screenshots, not actual videos. Don’t be fooled!

Flying Airplane

Flying Plane Animation

You will need to downloand the plane and the helicopter  to animate in a simple motion path in Adobe Animate. This will give you a warm up for animation. You will need to create a sky background with clouds that move using a classic tween with different levels of alpha. You will also need to add additional elements to give  your animation a well rounded look. Each animation will need to done at 24 FPS and you will need to use a minimum of 60 Frames.

Look at the example to give you a general idea of what to do. HOWEVER, your animation should be much more complicated with additional animations and effects to give your animation depth and interest. YOURS SHOULD NOT LOOK LIKE MINE, at all!

As you work, save your project and name it lastname + firstname + period# + flyingplane. When you are finished, export your animation to a .mov. You will turn this in by showing your animation to Scales.  



11/13 – 11/17

XP11-Play Ball Project

Using the techniques learned in the Flash intro projects, create one Flash that combines all techniques.  You will create 5 people and have them pass 2 bouncing balls around. Arms will move when the person hits the ball.  Make the legs move on two of the people at some point in time.  Make each person a different color and each ball a different color.
Change the background color to any color other than white. Add in a text phrase with each letter animating to spell the words at the end.  The duration of this project must be at least 60 frames.

City Animation

City Animation

Use the tutorial found here to create a city street scene that you draw from and animate the cars and buses. This is really helpful to work with layers and how to draw in Animate. Feel free to make it your own and put your own unique look on the city with your own design on the car/bus and your city design.

Make sure you DO NOT have Object drawing turned on or you will not be able to do color fill when you need to!! Please make sure you are paying attention to details!


Download File

In addition to the Bus, you will need to draw 2 more additional objects that you can animate with a different form animation. 1 of which must be on a Motion path. Think about adding a flying bird or plane, drifting clouds, or more. Push yourself to do more!

10/30 – 11/3

Lesson 7


Lesson overview

In this lesson, you’ll learn how to do the following:

  • Animate shapes with shape tweens.

  • Use shape hints to refine shape tweens.

  • Animate gradient fills.

  • View onion skin outlines.

  • Apply easing to shape tweens.

  • Create and use masks.

  • Understand mask limitations.

  • Animate the mask and masked layers.